Thursday, November 30, 2006

Biggest Lollipop On Record

After going over the list with Santa with great detail, Jacqueline got to have a sweet treat.

Santa Visit

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Niece Claire Marie

Claire Marie Cawley was born on November 17th at 8#9oz and 20 in. She's adorable. Couldn't be prouder of Kama and Ryan.

Why a Webblog?

So this is another attempt at me having a family blog. I'm trying to make an easy place for our family & friends to keep up to date with us. Well, with the kids at least. They change so fast.

We just had a nice Thanksgiving here in GA with the Feit's and then a second round with our friends the Scotts. No shortage of pie, turkey or delicious sides... we don't really need to eat again until Christmas. Except for Bailey who is trying to be as big as he can get as fast as possible. I need to walk from here to Spain to make up for what I ate last weekend. But it was so good.

In other news, Kevin and I are both sending out feelers about jobs - career moves (ech). It's interesting to me to see what's going on in other design shops. I totally don't know what to wish for (I'm afraid I just might get it) so I'm trying to hope for the "BEST" outcome. Pretty non-committal. Keeps me from being set up for any big let downs. ; )

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

6 months