Thursday, January 04, 2007

Year end wrap up

So I did a miserable job taking any photos on our trip up to CT and PA. We got to see Oma & Grand Dad, Tina & Aidan in PA and in CT we saw Kama, Ryan and Miss Claire as well as Grandma& Grandpa. It was a whirlwind as our trips often are.

We drove - yes, 1000 miles each way. It's either brave or stupid, the jury is still out. But we survived and the kids were really great considering the amount of travel we subjected them to in so little time. Having her own DVD player for the ride home made Jacqueline's trip a little better. And Bailey took a few good long naps letting us make some decent time despite the fog & rain coming home.

So we think we're ready for 2007 to get underway. Maybe we can get a full night's sleep. Ha!

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